Co-investing with ambitious founders,
launching successful ventures

The LabEight* venture studio provides founders with vital operational resources through personalised programs helping them launch their most ambitious ventures.

Join the network of like-minded entrepreneurs

About the Studio

Our main goal is to build successful companies that solve real world problems through brilliant ideas, ambitious founders and capital.

We work with startups by deploying a specialised team of designers, engineers, data scientists, project managers, advisors and business developers to help them develop and launch their products.

Solving a problem?

Excited about solving a problem and you have an idea on how you’re going to make it happen?


A growth solution for entrepreneurs and startups seeking operational support from experienced engineers, founders and advisors.

Engineering Talent

Business Development

Customer Validation

Access to Capital

Through our programs, we will ensure that founders, at any stage from idea to rapid growth, have the vital resources they need to launch their most ambitious ventures.


How is our venture studio different?

* Tailor-made & personalized program

* Access to engineering (HW/SW) talent

* Co-working space and lab access

* Mentorship & advisory

* CxO matchmaking

* Partnerships & growth support

* Marketing and business development

* Pilots, market validation, prototyping

Our Studios*

Our studio programs are built with the entrepreneur and intrapreneur in mind, to help them move fast by gaining direct access to deep industry knowledge, increasing their chances for success.

Startup Studio

Through our startup studio, early stage founders work hand in hand our internal team of experienced operators, entrepreneurs, engineers and growth specialists and access our vetted talent pool of engineers, designers, marketers, data scientists, growth hackers and more.

It’s simple really, we are your interim CTO, CMO, CxO, Head of Product, Growth Hacker until lift-off. We deliver these services at extremely competitive rates in return for an equity stake in the business – thus becoming long-term partners.

Venture Studio

At the LabEight* venture studio, we build successful companies that solve real world problems by connecting brilliant ideas with ambitious founders and capital.

At our studio, we’re constantly analyzing gaps and challenges, looking for new opportunities that would emerge from them, validating them and launching them into businesses in collaboration with founders with deep industry expertise.

If you are a founder or entrepreneur who’s looking for their next adventure – join us.

Corporate Innovation Programs

We have developed an innovation framework based on years of experience in venture acceleration and building. That coupled with our extensive operational expertise provides a platform for corporations to develop successful entrepreneurial ecosystems.

By partnering with private and public organisations we are deployed as innovation directors working closely with internal teams to solve key challenges in an agile method, following our innovation framework.

Join our CXO* Network

Are you a CTO/CxO and looking to join a disruptive startup? Are you a seasoned engineer or business professional looking for your next adventure?

Sign-up to our network of CxOs and join a disruptive global startup.

Operational Services for Founders and Startups

The LabEight* venture studio designs personalised programs for each startup to help winning develop strategies and execute across all business operations.

We provide founders with technical and operational resources and guidance needed to scale their ideas.

* Business Modeling
* Strategy Development
* Pitching
* Validation
* Growth Planning

* Creative Thinking
* User Journey
* Prototyping
* Engineering
* Development
* Infrastructure Support
* Testing

* Pilots
* Partnerships
* Commercialization
* Regulation

* Investment
* Global Partnerships
* Advisory
* Coaching & Leadership

Are you an investor or corporate?

Looking to launch a Program?

We partner with investors and corporates jointly developing programs spanning different industries and sectors – whether they’re tech-agnostic, specialized or geo-focused.

With every program, we develop the right investment thesis, geographical and industry focus. We then develop a sourcing strategy that enables us to find the best startups that fits with that investment strategy.

Let's Talk*

Get in touch. Let’s chat and open up a conversation on how together, we can solve challenges and build something exciting.

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